Rebate Contract Language: What They’re Not Telling You

Health Delegates • Jun 02, 2021


As drug rebates continue to grow more complex, many health organizations are getting stuck in the red tape of rebate “partners.” Others give up and simply trust that they were able to secure a benevolent or altruistic rebate partner. 

Unfortunately, with many rebate aggregators favoring opaque manufacturer rebate arrangements, altruism and money are down the drain. But, there are a few things you can keep in mind that may help navigate these murky waters and keep you from leaving money on the table.

Know the pros and cons of a pass-through model v. a guaranteed model

This is the first step in arming yourself against potentially money-losing rebate arrangements and contracts. For example, a pass-through model may seem ideal, but do you really know what (or who) is driving those rebate aggregators? And, in comparison, a guaranteed or fixed model may seem dependable, but do you know if you are getting capped on your rebates? Clarification on key points can save you a lot of money.

Stay educated

This is a great second step. Staying educated on the gray areas of contract terms and language, where unfair financial advantages may be lurking under the radar, can help you avoid making assumptions about what your rebates might be, which can put lowering your overall drug spend in jeopardy.

Remember – the answer to a lower drug spend may be neither model

It’s true. Sometimes, the best way to lower a drug spend might be to simply forgo a rebate all together. Things like when there’s a:

Generic equivalent is available

Clinically the rebated drug does not have the same efficacy or if the

Cost of a non-rebated drug is less

Demand clarity

Look for a rebate aggregator who will accept the challenge of rethinking the link between data and dollars and provide their customers with more actionable insights and control over the net drug costs. Getting access to a formulary that optimizes rates, rebates, copays, and discounts – and shows you exactly where your rebates are earned, right down to the claim and NDC level, is just one level of transparency that will provide the insights needed to turn action into dollars.

Chasing rebates can be a nightmare of formulary audits and, even after expending all that energy, there is still no guarantee that you are going to get the best price – with or without a rebate – in order to see that net drug spend decrease.

So, remember, as the saying goes, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

 If you suspect your contract terms are not focused on your best interests, consider going back to the negotiating table.  You deserve to know exactly what you are getting. Whether you are a health plan, a PBM, or an employer group, you need a partner who can see through opaque contracts -- before you can sign them – and provide you the transparency and clarity necessary to get you the lowest costs possible. 

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By Health Delegates 20 Mar, 2024
In the intricate landscape of corporate benefits management, navigating the array of consulting services and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) presents its own set of challenges. Opting for consolidated solutions promises simplicity and efficiency on the surface but often conceals a deeper issue: the risk of misaligned incentives leading to inflated costs and compromised benefits management. Understanding the Pitfalls of Consolidated Solutions The allure of streamlined services through a single provider or consultant is understandable, aiming to reduce administrative burdens and potentially harness cost savings. Yet, this approach can inadvertently foster a setting where the interests of consultants or PBMs do not fully align with those of the company and its employees. Recently filed court cases accuse employers of overpaying for prescription drugs, exemplifies the possible neglect in securing competitive pricing, hinting at a broader issue of oversight. Compensation models for consultants that tie back to the volume or cost of procured services and medications can, albeit unintentionally, favor higher-cost options. This structure may prioritize the consultant's financial gain over the best interests of the company and its workforce, clouding the cost-effectiveness and benefits of management decisions and potentially undermining the fiduciary duty owed to employees. The Advantages of a Decentralized Approach to Benefits Management Choosing a decentralized model for managing benefits introduces multiple benefits, including: Competitive Pricing Assurance : Engaging with various providers for different benefits aspects allows for effective comparison and ensures optimal value. Improved Transparency: A decentralized model offers clearer insight into the costs and benefits of each package component, vital for budget management and justifying employee benefits. Fiduciary Duty Compliance : Critical evaluation and selection of benefits components align with the company’s responsibility to act in the best interests of its employees. Strategies for Effective Benefits Management Adopting a thoughtful approach to avoid misaligned incentives and honor fiduciary duties involves several key actions: Routine Audits : Regular evaluations of benefits plans can spotlight inflated costs or misalignments with employee needs. Diverse Vendor Engagement : Collaborating with multiple vendors encourages competitive pricing and terms. Transparent Vendor Selection : A clear and competitive vendor selection process ensures the identification of the best services and prices available. The recently filed case against J&J serves as a valuable lesson for companies to scrutinize their benefits management approach. While consolidated services offer appeal, it’s crucial to be mindful of potential misalignments and the significance of maintaining a competitive and transparent environment. Shifting towards a decentralized strategy can better align with employee interests, uphold fiduciary responsibilities, and unveil potential cost savings. Explore Decentralized Solutions with Health Delegates Facing the complexities and possible conflicts of consolidated benefits management, companies can benefit from expert guidance in this area. Health Delegates specializes in assisting companies with decoupling and decentralizing pharmacy benefits, ensuring alignment with fiduciary responsibilities and optimizing value and cost-effectiveness for employees. Reevaluating your benefits strategy with a focus on decentralization could enhance transparency, competitive pricing, and fiduciary duty compliance. Health Delegates is poised to support you in this journey, offering customized solutions that cater to your unique needs and objectives. Reach out to Health Delegates to discover how we can aid in refining your pharmacy benefit management and rebate strategies . Our expertise is designed to navigate the intricacies of benefits management, aligning your approach with your organizational values and the well-being of your employees.
By Health Delegates 05 Mar, 2024
Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are invaluable partners in the healthcare industry, orchestrating prescription drug benefits for health insurers, Medicare Part D drug plans, and large employers. Their role is pivotal in navigating the complex landscape of healthcare to deliver efficient and cost-effective drug benefit management. Recognizing the challenges in PBM contracts, this blog aims to highlight the mutual benefits of fostering transparency, clarity, customization, and a client-centric approach in our partnerships. By focusing on these areas, we can collaboratively address the needs of providers, consumers, and the entire healthcare ecosystem. Advancing Transparency in PBM Contracts A foundation of trust and partnership in the healthcare industry begins with transparency. While there have been concerns regarding the clarity around rebate amounts, drug pricing, and pharmacy service costs, advancing transparent contracts can greatly benefit all parties involved. Transparent contracts that offer clear insights into drug pricing, rebates , and fees not only foster trust but also enable employers and patients to make informed decisions. Encouraging an environment where financial transactions and potential conflicts of interest are openly discussed can lead to better outcomes for everyone in the healthcare value chain. Promoting Clear Definitions and Customization The significance of having clear definitions within PBM contracts cannot be overstated. Ambiguities around terms such as 'generic drugs', ' specialty drugs ', and 'rebates' can lead to misunderstandings. Ensuring that these terms are precisely defined will help in eliminating confusion and fostering a more transparent relationship. Additionally, recognizing the unique needs of each employer or health plan is critical. A tailored approach to PBM services, including formulary design, drug utilization reviews, and pharmacy network design, can address specific needs more effectively, leading to enhanced efficiency and cost management. Embracing Client-Centric Management Adopting a client-centric management approach places the focus squarely on the needs of employers, health plans, and patients. This strategy ensures that PBMs' incentives are aligned with the clients' objectives, such as achieving cost savings, ensuring high-quality care, and improving patient outcomes. A commitment to regular performance reviews, efficient drug spend management, and exceptional customer service are key to a successful client-centric strategy. Such an approach not only benefits clients but also strengthens the partnership between PBMs and their stakeholders. Navigating Legal Challenges and Collaborative Solutions The evolving legal landscape, exemplified by cases like Rutledge v. Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, underscores the importance of collaboration between PBMs, states, and federal entities in navigating regulatory challenges. These legal precedents highlight the need for a balanced approach to regulation that supports fair reimbursement practices and acknowledges the complex interplay between state and federal laws. By working together, we can find solutions that ensure fairness and transparency while respecting the diverse regulatory frameworks. Pharmacy Benefit Managers are essential to creating a more efficient and equitable healthcare system. By embracing practices that prioritize transparency, clarity, customization, and a client-centric focus, we can strengthen our partnerships and achieve shared goals. The journey towards reforming PBM practices is a collaborative effort, requiring engagement from all stakeholders in the healthcare system. Together, we can advocate for and implement changes that enhance the well-being of all parties involved and contribute to a healthier future for everyone. Forge Ahead Together: Collaborative Action with Health Delegates Pharmacy Benefit Managers are central to fostering a more efficient and equitable healthcare system. By embracing practices that emphasize transparency, clarity, customization, and a client-centric approach, we can significantly strengthen our partnerships and achieve our collective goals. The path to reforming PBM practices is one that we must walk together, engaging all stakeholders in the healthcare system to advocate for and implement meaningful changes. It's through collaboration that we can ensure a healthier future for everyone. At Health Delegates , we are committed to going beyond the industry norm. We believe in the power of teamwork and market responsiveness to secure the best possible outcomes for our partners: Beyond Rebate Guarantees: We transcend traditional rebate guarantees, focusing instead on dynamic market adaptation and delivering real value. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure you receive the best possible rebates. For us, it's not about arbitrary numbers; it's about delivering tangible results and fostering long-term partnerships. Simplified Contracting: We understand the complexities of PBM contracts and strive to offer straightforward rebate solutions. Our approach cuts through the clutter of exclusions and complex guarantees, providing the flexibility to make formulary and rebate decisions that genuinely benefit your plan. We aim to harmonize financial and clinical decisions, tailoring our services to meet your unique needs. Retain Full Control and Visibility: With Health Delegates, you maintain complete visibility and control over the financial aspects of your plan. Every rebate, administrative fee, and price protection measure is passed directly through to you, ensuring transparency, eliminating surprises, and building trust. We invite you to reach out to Health Delegates to explore how we can work together to navigate the complexities of PBM and rebate contracts and achieve a more transparent, efficient, and equitable healthcare system. Let's join forces to create solutions that are not only beneficial but also sustainable for all parties involved. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your goals and foster a thriving partnership.
By Health Delegates 20 Feb, 2024
Introduction to Cell and Gene Therapies Cell and gene therapies represent a frontier in medical innovation, offering new hope for diseases once deemed incurable. These advanced treatments involve altering the genetic material within a patient's cells to treat or prevent disease. In 2024, we are witnessing an unprecedented era in these therapies, marked by rapid advancements and increasing clinical applications. The Essence of CGTs Cell therapy involves the transplantation of living cells into a patient to replace or repair damaged tissue or cells. Gene therapy, on the other hand, involves modifying the genetic material within a patient's cells to treat or prevent disease. Together, these therapies offer a new paradigm in medicine – treating the root cause of diseases at the molecular level. The Evolution of CGTs Since the first successful gene therapy trials in the 1990s, the field has evolved dramatically. Early challenges, such as immune reactions and questions about efficacy, have given way to a new era of sophisticated techniques and a better understanding of genetic mechanisms. Recent advancements have been bolstered by parallel developments in technologies like CRISPR-Cas9, which allows for precise editing of the genome. Advances in Gene Therapy and AI Integration Breakthroughs in Gene Therapy In 2023, the gene therapy field witnessed significant advancements, notably with the FDA approval of cell-based gene therapies for treating sickle cell disease. These therapies, Casgevy and Lyfegenia, signify a monumental leap, particularly with Casgevy being the first CRISPR-based therapy to receive FDA approval. This approval not only represents a breakthrough in treating sickle cell disease but also paves the way for genome editing technologies to treat a wide range of genetic disorders. AI's Transformative Role AI is significantly advancing gene therapy development. It plays a critical role in creating personalized treatment plans by analyzing individual genetic biomarkers. This personalized approach is essential for treating rare diseases, where one-size-fits-all solutions are ineffective. AI-driven bioinformatics and genetic sequencing are enabling more targeted and effective therapies, tailored to each patient's unique genetic makeup. The Rising Success of CAR-T Cell Therapy CAR-T cell therapy, a form of immunotherapy that uses modified T cells to attack cancer, has shown remarkable success, particularly in treating blood cancers. This therapy involves reengineering a patient's own immune cells to recognize and destroy cancer cells. In 2024, there's an expectation that the application of CAR-T cell therapy will extend beyond blood cancers to solid tumors, like colon and ovarian cancer. This expansion highlights the potential of cell therapies in treating a diverse range of diseases. The Expanding Horizons of CAR-T The success of CAR-T cell therapy in blood cancers has been a beacon of hope and a clear demonstration of the power of cellular immunotherapy. The transition into treating solid tumors is a complex endeavor due to the different nature of these cancers compared to blood cancers. However, ongoing research and clinical trials are showing promising results, potentially revolutionizing the treatment of solid tumors. Managing Costs and Innovative Payment Models Tackling High Costs One of the primary challenges with CGTs is their high cost, driven by complex manufacturing processes and the personalized nature of these treatments. This presents a significant barrier to accessibility, making it difficult for many patients to afford these life-saving therapies. Innovative Payment Solutions To mitigate these financial challenges, innovative payment models are being explored. These include outcomes-based payments, where a portion of the therapy cost is covered upfront and the remainder is paid if the therapy achieves specific outcomes. Other models include rebates for therapies that fail to meet predefined outcomes and annuities spread over multiple payments, contingent on continued therapeutic efficacy. The Future Landscape of CGTs Broadening Therapeutic Applications CGTs are not limited to genetic diseases and cancers. Researchers are exploring their applications in metabolic, genetic, and central nervous system disorders. Most of these applications are in early stages, but they hold the promise of expanding the range of treatable conditions significantly. Market Growth and Challenges The global market for CGTs is expected to see substantial growth, with projections of significant sales by 2029. Oncology is expected to continue leading the development of CGTs. Despite this growth, the field faces ongoing challenges such as high development costs, clinical trial failures, and increasing pricing pressures. Addressing these issues is crucial for realizing the full potential of CGTs. The landscape of cell and gene therapies in 2024 is one of rapid advancement and significant potential. These therapies are on the brink of transforming medicine, offering new treatments for a range of diseases. The integration of AI and innovative payment models are key to overcoming current challenges, and the future of these therapies is bright with the potential to treat diseases more effectively and personally than ever before. Subscribe for additional news in healthcare innovation As we stand on the cusp of a new era in healthcare, the journey of cell and gene therapies is just beginning. The advancements in 2024 and beyond promise not just to transform our industry, but to redefine what is possible in the treatment of previously incurable diseases. However, the true power of this revolution lies in our ability to share, learn, and grow together. If you're as inspired by the potential of these therapies as we are, and you're eager to stay at the forefront of this groundbreaking field, we invite you to join our community. Subscribe to Health Delegates and follow us for more insightful updates, cutting-edge research findings, and insight on innovation. Together, let's embark on this exciting journey into the future of healthcare, where every discovery brings us closer to a world of healthier possibilities. Don't miss out on the next breakthrough—subscribe and follow us today for a future where innovation and partnership know no bounds.
By Health Delegates 06 Feb, 2024
In the complex world of prescription drug management, Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) and payers are constantly seeking pathways to reduce costs and improve access to medications for their members. International drug sourcing has emerged as a promising avenue, potentially offering significant savings on expensive brand-name medications. However, this strategy also brings to light the intricate balance between immediate cost savings and the longer-term financial implications and other access issues. This blog explores the nuanced landscape of international sourcing and its true cost. The Appeal of International Sourcing International sourcing of medications, often seen as a cost-saving measure, allows PBMs and payers to procure drugs at a fraction of the domestic price. Countries like Canada and certain European nations have been popular sources due to their lower drug prices, which can be attributed to government price controls and negotiation policies that are absent in the U.S. market. This approach promises immediate financial relief by reducing the direct cost of brand-name medications, which are a significant expenditure for many health plans. International Sourcing conundrums As time has passed more payers have moved to use international sourcing. This has brought about unforeseen challenges in areas not necessarily contemplated when first implemented. Payers have begun to experience shortages in products that they were driving to international sourcing. This has lead to some of the volume moving stateside and thus increased costs associated with the products which have experienced these shortages. Payers have also begun to experience increases in pricing from their international sourcing vendors. The increased prices are a direct result of the increased volume driven through the vendors. Additionally, Canada and other European countries have started to notice supply issues for their citizens due to sourcing those drugs to payers in the United States. This has started the conversation of what is the volume that can be sent out of their country and do they want to continue to allow this as it may impact their own healthcare system. Clinically it can often be difficult to to work through issues with strengths, incorrect drugs, different drug names and more when sourcing from another country. This can potentially lead to clinical issues of subpar clinical treatment. The Rebate Conundrum While the upfront cost savings from international sourcing can be attractive, they come with a hidden trade-off: the potential loss of pharmacy rebates . Rebates have become a cornerstone of the current PBM and payer ecosystem, serving as a key negotiating tool with pharmaceutical manufacturers. These rebates, which can amount to a significant portion of a drug's list price, are often used by PBMs and payers to offset other costs or pass on to downstream plans, thereby reducing premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for members. The shift towards international sourcing could lead to a decrease in rebate income, impacting the overall financial health of health plans and potentially leading to increased costs elsewhere. Evaluating the True Cost The decision to pursue international sourcing must be informed by a comprehensive understanding of its financial implications. Beyond the immediate savings, PBMs and payers need to consider the potential financial implications which include a myriad of factors based on their international source and reduction in rebate income, which has been a critical component of their revenue and cost management strategies. This evaluation must also take into account the administrative costs associated with setting up and managing international sourcing programs, which can erode some of the expected savings. Finally it's important to look at the overall net cost of these products to ensure that decisions are being appropriately made for products. While low net cost decisions are critical to the decision it's also imperative to ensure that the clinical merits of the decision are considered as outlined above. The Need for Strategic Balance For PBMs and payers, finding the right balance between leveraging international sourcing for cost savings and maintaining the benefits of pharmacy rebates is crucial. This may involve selective international sourcing that targets only specific high-cost medications for which the net savings are clearly beneficial. It also calls for a strategic approach to rebate negotiations, ensuring that the value captured through rebates or other strategic formulary and coverage decisions continues to support the financial sustainability of health plans. Reimaging Rebates The exploration into international drug sourcing reveals a complex interplay between immediate cost savings and the broader financial implications for PBMs and payers. As the industry continues to evolve, it's imperative for these stakeholders to carefully assess the true cost of such sourcing strategies, considering both the potential savings and the impact on a payers financial outlook. We encourage PBMs and payers to delve deeper into this analysis and engage with Health Delegates to review their current strategies, ensuring they maximize the value for their members while maintaining financial health. The path forward requires a nuanced understanding of the costs and benefits, aiming for a healthcare model that is both cost-effective and sustainable.
By Health Delegates 30 Jan, 2024
The Growing Crisis of Drug Shortages The healthcare sector is facing a daunting challenge with the ongoing shortage of ADHD stimulant medications, a situation that has far-reaching implications for millions of individuals. This crisis began over a year ago and has since escalated, deeply affecting those dependent on these medications for managing ADHD and related conditions. The result is a complex and distressing situation where the supply of these crucial medications falls short of the growing needs, leaving patients and their families in a state of uncertainty and hardship. The consequences of this shortage extend beyond mere inconvenience, significantly impacting the daily lives, academic achievements, and mental health of those affected. Why Are Drug Shortages Increasing? The increasing shortages of ADHD stimulant medications are driven by a combination of supply chain issues, regulatory constraints, and shifts in healthcare practices. Initially, disruptions in manufacturing, notably at Teva Pharmaceuticals, were a key trigger. The shift in healthcare to telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic further compounded the problem by making it easier for patients to receive ADHD diagnoses and prescriptions, leading to a surge in demand that the industry struggled to meet. This crisis is further complicated by regulatory factors, particularly for controlled substances like many ADHD medications. The DEA imposes strict production quotas to prevent misuse, but these can unintentionally restrict the ability to rapidly respond to increased demand. This situation creates a challenging environment for manufacturers, who must balance regulatory compliance with the need to meet rising patient needs. As a result, the pharmaceutical industry is facing a tough challenge in aligning production with the growing demand for ADHD medications. The interplay of these factors – supply chain disruptions, changes in healthcare delivery, and regulatory limits – has led to a persistent shortage, significantly impacting patients who depend on these medications for their daily lives and mental well-being. This shortage not only affects those directly in need of these drugs but also has broader implications for healthcare systems and patient care strategies. Stimulant Shortages and Their Widespread Impact Impact on College and School Environments The impact of ADHD medication shortages on college and school environments is profound and multifaceted. For college students, these shortages mean grappling with heightened challenges in concentration, time management, and overall academic performance. The inability to access necessary medication can lead to decreased academic efficiency, increased anxiety, and difficulties in managing coursework. In school settings, the ripple effect is noticeable not only in the students who require these medications but also in the classroom dynamics. Teachers face challenges in managing students' attention and behavior, which can disrupt the learning environment for everyone. This situation has a cascading effect, influencing the overall educational experience and outcomes for both the affected students and their peers. The shortages thus represent not just a healthcare issue but a significant educational concern, impacting the academic journey and well-being of countless students. Mental Health Ramifications The ADHD medication shortage has significant mental health ramifications for those affected. The unavailability of these essential drugs can lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, particularly for individuals who rely on these medications for daily functioning and mental health stability. The uncertainty and difficulty in accessing necessary medication can exacerbate ADHD symptoms, leading to challenges in personal, academic, and professional domains. This can result in a sense of helplessness and a decrease in quality of life. Moreover, untreated or inadequately managed ADHD can increase the risk of secondary mental health issues, such as social isolation and low self-esteem. The mental health impact of this shortage highlights the necessity for timely resolution and underscores the need for alternative support mechanisms during this challenging period. Economic Implications: Short-Term and Long-Term Costs The economic implications of the ADHD medication shortage are extensive, impacting both short-term and long-term costs. In the short term, patients and families are facing increased prices for ADHD drugs, a direct consequence of the limited supply. A USA Today article reported a significant rise in the cost of these medications, with some prices nearly doubling since October 2022. This increase places a substantial financial burden on those needing these medications, often forcing them to choose between costly brand-name drugs or going without treatment.  In the long term, the shortage could lead to broader market shifts. As manufacturers adjust to the increased demand and potentially invest in expanding production capabilities, the cost of these drugs could remain high. This scenario suggests that even when the shortage is resolved, the financial impact may continue to be felt by patients and the healthcare system. Additionally, the ongoing struggle to obtain medications can lead to increased healthcare expenses in other areas, such as the management of exacerbated symptoms or the use of alternative treatments. When Will the ADHD Medication Shortage Be Resolved? Predicting when the ADHD medication shortage will be resolved is complex and uncertain. Factors such as supply chain stabilization, regulatory adjustments, and increased manufacturing capacity play crucial roles. The FDA and DEA are actively collaborating with manufacturers to address the supply issue, but there is no definitive timeline for resolution. The challenge is compounded by unprecedented demand and the need for regulatory bodies to adjust production quotas in response to this demand. Until these issues are fully addressed, stakeholders, including healthcare providers, patients, and policymakers, must navigate an uncertain landscape, highlighting the need for adaptive strategies and continued advocacy for increased production and streamlined regulatory processes. Role of Payers, PBMs, and Health Plans in Addressing the ADHD Medication Shortage Payers, PBMs, and health plans play a pivotal role in supporting their members during the ADHD medication shortage. They can help by actively monitoring the drug supply and keeping members informed about availability. Flexibility in formulary management can allow for the substitution of alternative medications when necessary. Additionally, implementing policies that reduce the administrative burden for prescribers and patients, such as streamlining prior authorization processes, can be beneficial. Collaborating with healthcare providers to develop and disseminate guidelines for alternative therapies and treatment plans is also crucial. Furthermore, they can assist in advocating for regulatory changes to increase drug production and supply. By taking these proactive steps, they can significantly alleviate the challenges faced by individuals affected by the shortage.
By Health Delegates 25 Jan, 2024
The landscape of weight loss treatments has grown and evolved in the past few decades. Historically, options were limited, often focusing on lifestyle changes, surgical interventions, or medications with a modest efficacy and safety profile. However, recent years have seen a paradigm shift , particularly with the advent of GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) agonists. These treatments not only offer improved efficacy and safety but also align with a deeper understanding of obesity as a complex, chronic medical condition rather than a lifestyle issue packed with stigma and shame. This post explores the growth of GLP-1s, the introduction of new drugs like Zepbound, and the broader impacts of weight loss on health plans and employers. It also examines the prevailing trends in weight management in 2024 and demonstrates how Health Delegates can help you navigate formularies and rebates associated with GLP-1s. Historical Context of Weight Loss Treatment Coverage The journey of weight loss treatments has been fraught with challenges and skepticism, particularly regarding coverage by health insurance plans. Traditionally, many insurers were reluctant to cover weight loss medications, viewing obesity as a lifestyle choice rather than a medical condition. This perception led to limited access to effective treatments for many individuals struggling with obesity. Over time, with growing evidence of the biological underpinnings of obesity and the efficacy of new treatment options, there has been a gradual shift in this stance. Expansion of the GLP-1 Market to Meet Demand GLP-1 agonists have revolutionized weight loss treatment due to their efficacy and safety profile. This market is set for significant expansion with key players like Novo Nordisk, Roche, Pfizer, Amgen, and Merck intensifying efforts on GLP-1 related therapies. For instance, Novo Nordisk's data indicating high retention rates (40%) for Wegovy users underscores the drug's effectiveness and patient adherence. This retention rate is crucial, considering the chronic nature of obesity and the need for long-term, sustainable treatment options. In addition to Wegovy, some of the other GLP-1 agonists currently prescribed for weight loss include: Trulicity, Byetta, Ozempic, Victoza, and, most recently, Zepbound. Zepbound entered the market with a staggering 25,000 new prescriptions weekly by the end of 2023 and has quickly become a significant contributor to the evolving landscape of weight loss treatment. While some manufactures are planning expansion to keep up with the demand, health plans excluding weight loss drugs from their formularies may put a damper on that growth. Weight Loss Treatment Shift Forces Formulary Decisions While 40% of commercial plans in the United States currently cover GLP-1 products for obesity, another 19% of plans are considering coverage . While this sounds promising, drug benefit consultants who said they don't expect many employers to start covering the drugs since the plans cannot afford it. Some plans are putting restrictions in place, only covering GLP-1 treatment for people who are severely obese, or for those who also participate in a diet and exercise program. Additionally, some plans place limits on how long members can receive the treatment. The State of North Carolina’s decision to drop new weight loss drug coverage is one example of the financial strain faced by employers and health plans. This move, driven by rising drug costs, is expected to yield considerable savings in rebates but also underscores the escalating challenge of providing effective weight loss treatments within budgetary constraints, a trend that is quickly becoming a growing national public health concern. Trends in Weight Loss and Health for 2024 As we begin the new year, the influence of GLP-1s is evident in various aspects of weight management, including surgery. Insurers are increasingly covering bariatric surgery , likely as a counterbalance to the high demand and costs associated with GLP-1s. This trend indicates that while GLP-1s present a viable non-surgical route for weight loss, surgery remains a potent alternative, albeit one with higher upfront costs. Looking ahead, the obesity treatment landscape faces both challenges and opportunities. The rising cost of GLP-1s, coupled with the financial constraints of health plans, poses a significant hurdle. However, this also opens avenues for innovation in drug development and cost management strategies. We anticipate that the focus will shift toward more cost-effective formulations, potentially including oral GLP-1s, and exploring comprehensive treatment approaches that combine medication with lifestyle changes. Inform Formulary Decisions with Health Delegates as Your Strategic Partner The realm of weight loss treatment is undergoing a significant transformation, led by the emergence of GLP-1 agonists. The introduction of new treatments alongside the economic implications for health plans and employers, marks a new era in obesity management. Health Delegates can help you understand the impact of this changing environment. As your strategic partner, we’ll empower you to make the best formulary decisions for your members without any games or hidden agendas. Contact us today to learn more about our no-nonsense approach to optimizing your plan’s financials without adding to your workload.
By Health Delegates 15 Nov, 2023
28 Sep, 2023
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By Health Delegates 08 Jun, 2021
Specialty medications today cost an average of 10 to 15 times more than traditional brand drugs. And, within a year, specialty pharmacy will account for approximately 47 percent of the pharmacy industry’s overall expenditures. (1) With an aging employee population comes more chronic and complex health conditions that require specialty medications. As a result, associated expenditures will continue to increase with no immediate end in sight.
By Health Delegates 08 Jun, 2021
As Charles Dickens once wrote, “Change begets change. Nothing propagates so fast.” Truer words have probably never been written.
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